Thursday, November 17, 2011

Running Streak to Start Next Week

One week from today, on Thanksgiving, I will start a new running streak. I plan to make it at least 100 days of running every day for a minimum of 1 continuous mile. This goal will bring me through winter and into the first real race of the spring season--the Land Between the Lakes Marathon (or 60K or 50 Miler).  I tried this last winter and died at day #95. You can read about it here. I almost made it to March and 100 consecutive days.  This year I'll make it to 100...and maybe beyond.

What will make this streak successful compared to last year? Good question.  I plan on staying away from treadmill speedwork.  I plan on skipping a max heart rate test. I plan on reminding myself of why last year's streak ended (strained calf due to treadmill shenanigans). Thanksgiving Day is a great time to start a running streak. We can be thankful for our health and vitality, honor that fitness with a run, and commit to a winter full of daily exercise. Care to join me? I'll have a "count-up" timer on my blog documenting days into the streak. I'll post daily runs on Dailymile (unique idea, eh?).  Accountability is key.  I'll also have a partner for this adventure...Jeff Riddle.  Maybe he'll even start blogging again!

For details about running streaks, rules, and records, see the US Running Streak Association.


  1. Good luck. I may try to match your 100 days. Jeff needs to get on Dailymile since his blog is as dormant as mine.

  2. I agree TRice. Jeff needs to get on the ball...of his foot...and blog!!! Join us for 100 days of running revelry.

    Jeff likes tracking other people's running. I think he'd love DailyMile. Then we could all be DM "friends" too.

  3. I was wondering if you were going to try it again this winter! I'll be following your numbers. Sounds like you have a good plan. Congrats on the lost toenail.
