Sunday, December 18, 2011

25% Toward Running Streak Goal

Not sure what motivates most people to start a running streak, but for me, it was simple--get through the central Illinois winter.  I started on Thanksgiving Day and plan on running 100 days straight which would finish up in early March. So far so good...I've made it 25 days which is 25% of the way toward my goal!

To achieve the 1/4 done mark, I went to Clinton Lake and ran the northfork 10-mile trail loop. It's used for the 30-mile race each April. Today was perfect. Great weather and excellent trail conditions. I need to get out to Clinton Lake more often. It's less than a 30 minute drive and the trail is much nicer than my local 5-mile Lake of the Woods loop.  I love my local trail, but it ain't Clinton Lake! I enjoy the scenery around the lake, excessive hills, and all the trees. I didn't think I'd be able to keep my heart rate in the aerobic zone (under 145), but I walked all the hills and jogged the rest while keeping an average HR of 123. Sweet. With time off from work, I'll be back frequently over the next 2 weeks. It'll be interesting to track my average heart rate and different paces.

I look forward to reaching 26% of my goal tomorrow. Every day it gets a little closer. One day at a mile at a time.


  1. Good luck with the streak. I'm at 6 months for the latest. You've got the toughest months coming up.

  2. Thanks. 6 months is a good streak!
