Monday, April 16, 2012

DNS at Potawatomi 50 Miler

This past weekend was the Potawatomi 50-100-150 mile trail race. I was signed up for the 50 miler. I didn't show up. A big fat "DNS" (Did Not Start) for me! It was the only real option I had. My left calf has started to bother me again--I can barely run 3 miles. I need time off from racing.  I need time off from running. Maybe some cross-training at the gym with just a touch of easy running will do the trick?  I'm in a "funk" due to stress at running has become untenable. Without a place to recharge my energy stores, I feel drained all the time. I'm lazy, moody, and just feeling blah. Hope this passes. I have a trip to California later this week with a couple of running buddies...but I feel I should skip that too. Why go if you can't run...heck, I can barely hike. Maybe time away from the office, and away from running, will do me good. I sure hope so. Things look pretty dreary right now.

1 comment:

  1. you need a good'll be back with easy running before you know it..jeff
