Monday, July 9, 2012

Week in Review: July 2-8

I've skipped a few "weeks in review" since there doesn't seem to be any need to report that "I ran once or twice this week."  With heavy duties at work, then vacation, I haven't run much in the past 4 weeks.  Until this past week!  I had a great week, especially considering we had serious heat every single day (98-104 for high temps). I intended to run every day in July, sort of a mini run streak...and already failed that goal.  I'm just not a streaker. So, my new goal is to run at least 7 days each week. If I skip a day, then I need to double on another day that week. That's what happened this past week.  I ended up with 7 runs on 6 days. Good enough for me. In addition to not being a good run streaker, I'm not a very consistent or high mileage runner.  For me, a 40 mile week is good, 50 miles is great, and 60 is awesome. With 49.9 miles, I just made it into the "great" category for the week! (I'm comfortable rounding 49.98 to 50 and counting it in the "great" category rather than the 40+ week of simply "good.")  Here are my statistics from last week:

Count:7 Activities
Distance:49.98 mi
Max Distance:10.89 mi
Avg Distance:7.14 mi
Time:9:10:05 h:m:s
Avg Speed:5.5 mph
Max Speed:8.0 mph
Avg HR:131 bpm
Max HR:152 bpm
Avg Run Cadence:71 spm
Max Run Cadence:100 spm
Calories:6,175 C

I'll take this as a good sign I'm getting back to consistent training. Nothing fast or long, but still consistent miles. I'm managing to keep the heart rate down (average HR and max HR) even when running in extreme temperatures--heat indices ranged from 105-115 all week. My run cadence is fairly slow due to more walking and slow jogging. That's OK.

I hope this week will keep me in the "great" category (50-59 miles)...or even venture into the "awesome" realm of 60+ miles. And I'm committed to blogging a bit more too. I've been adding a few notes to each of my DailyMile run posts lately, but that still doesn't count as a blog posting.

Howl at the Moon 8-Hour race preparation update: 33 days to go until race day!  I don't have sufficient time to fully prepare for Howl.  I hope to be fit, but not ultra-fit, by August 11. Wish me well...I'm going to need some good karma to make it through 8 rough hours.


  1. 7 runs a week, that may fit you better than 7 days in a row....remember gregg and I go at it tuesday and thursday mornings at 5:50am

  2. 7 runs per week is much more doable than 7 days per week. I am well aware of you and Gregg and your infamous TUES/THURS schedule!
