Monday, July 30, 2012

Week in Review: July 23-29

This week was one of my worst ever. Running, work, personal.  All bad. Things are changing now that I've resigned my director position at work. Running, and life, will return to balance very soon. Here's the glorious stats for this past week:

Count:2 Activities
Distance:7.61 mi
Max Distance:4.39 mi
Avg Distance:3.80 mi
Time:1:19:16 h:m:s
Avg Speed:5.8 mph
Avg HR:132 bpm
Max HR:159 bpm
Avg Run Cadence:77 spm
Max Run Cadence:105 spm
Calories:963 C

Impressive, eh?

No worries. Just you wait. I anticipate some good things happening over the next few weeks and months.


  1. It will get better. Guaranteed. Hang in there. Slow and steady gets it done.

  2. Thanks Tommy Boy! I've been taking your advice lately...and not running much. If it ain't fun, then don't run. I cited you in a previous blog post. You are famous!

  3. Chris, Ellen told me Sat she misses your Howl trash talking!!! Can you give her want she wants??

  4. No Howl trash talking from me. I'm not running and I'm not talking.

    I do miss my own trash talking!

  5. Hey, get out there and run. Do you really want me to kick your butt at Howl? Get over the Mr. Grumpy mood of the week and resurrect the Trash Master.
