Monday, August 27, 2012

Week in Review: August 20-26

An interesting week and one that would normally be classified as "not very good."  I only logged 11 miles this week. Still, I'm happy with how it turned out.  This was one of those crazy weeks at work (for everyone, not just me), and it was tough motivating myself to run in the early mornings. After work, I was tired and ready to relax rather than run. Plus, around mid-week, I had a sore and painful right leg. Most of the pain was at the top of the quads and hip. People noticed that I was limping even when I walked. On Friday, I scheduled a 60 minute deep tissue massage with a sports therapist in town. The session was rather painful, but it worked.  He thought there were serious adhesions involving several muscles. He worked on those pretty hard and I was limping more after the visit than before. Is that improvement? Fortunately, things were MUCH better on Saturday morning...and EVEN BETTER on Sunday morning. My weekend runs were short, but sweet. And I did them barefoot on the trails!

So, the week wasn't great, but it wasn't bad either. I am happy with my progress and I'm returning to more natural running (barefoot and FiveFinger shoes) which just "feels right" for now. Here are my statistics for this past week:

Count:3 Activities
Distance:11.29 mi
Max Distance:5.13 mi
Avg Distance:3.76 mi
Time:2:03:19 h:m:s
Avg Speed:5.5 mph
Avg HR:128 bpm
Max HR:155 bpm
Avg Run Cadence:79 spm
Max Run Cadence:98 spm
Calories:1,461 C


  1. The average cadence is slow, but that includes my warm-up and cool-down walks where the cadence is understandably very slow. If I only tracked running cadence, it would be around 85-90 per foot (close to that "magical" 180 per minute that experts cite).
