Monday, August 13, 2012

Week in Review: August 6-12

Not my proudest week of running, but felt pretty good about holding the line at work. Things are getting better!  Most of my buffalo running friends ran the Howl at the Moon 8-Hour race this weekend, but I just did two easy 5 mile runs. Eight hours at Howl would have killed or crippled two short trail runs were fine. Eleven miles for the week is better than zero. Next week's goal?  More than 11 miles. Baby steps.

Count:2 Activities
Distance:10.77 mi
Max Distance:5.43 mi
Avg Distance:5.38 mi
Time:1:52:15 h:m:s
Avg Speed:5.8 mph
Avg HR:132 bpm
Max HR:156 bpm
Avg Run Cadence:74 spm
Max Run Cadence:107 spm
Calories:1,325 C

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