Sunday, August 5, 2012

Week in Review: July 30-August 5

Things are already turning for the better. I still have a couple of weeks as the Interim Director of our unit, but having an exact end date is sweet. Soon, I'll only have one full-time job, back to Head of my department. I anticipate less work, more sleep, and more running! Good combination. All work and no play makes Chris a dull boy. You don't want me to be dull, do you?  Surely not. In addition to more running, I'll throw in some extra beer drinking and TV watching. After all, Breaking Bad is back for its fifth season. Here's last week's stats:

Count:5 Activities
Distance:23.12 mi
Max Distance:5.38 mi
Avg Distance:4.62 mi
Time:3:59:11 h:m:s
Avg Speed:5.8 mph
Avg HR:128 bpm
Max HR:159 bpm
Avg Run Cadence:75 spm
Max Run Cadence:101 spm
Calories:2,853 C

For the near future, I simply want the inertia to continue.  A little more distance each week. Each run a bit longer. I'll eventually toss in some weekend long runs, but those can wait another couple of weeks. Right arch is healed and the left calf seems to be behaving. No need to make any drastic changes.

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