Sunday, September 9, 2012

Week in Review: Sept 3-9

This week was awesome.  I had a reasonable amount of miles, got in two "long" runs (10 miles each), and even tossed down a tempo-ish run with the buffalo herd on Thursday evening. Plus, I got into the Umstead 100 race for next year! Only 275 lucky souls made it in during that first 3 minutes of online registration. Time to kick the training up a notch. Not too quickly...I have a full 6 months to train. Here's to 209 more days of good training leading up to the April 6, 2013 Umstead 100 Endurance Run.

Here is this past week's training:

Count:5 Activities
Distance:37.30 mi
Max Distance:10.11 mi
Avg Distance:7.46 mi
Time:6:13:48 h:m:s
Avg Speed:6.0 mph
Avg HR:136 bpm
Max HR:174 bpm
Avg Run Cadence:81 spm
Max Run Cadence:98 spm
Calories:4,718 C

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