Sunday, October 14, 2012

Week in Review: Oct 8-14

Last week was a good one! I didn't run often (took Wednesday, Thursday  and Friday off), but I managed to have a solid week by completing the Farmdale 30-Mile Trail Run. Even with steady rain and the course being covered by mud and water, I had a good race and emerged uninjured and happy.

Count:5 Activities
Distance:41.09 mi
Max Distance:29.25 mi
Avg Distance:8.22 mi
Time:8:57:09 h:m:s
Avg Speed:4.6 mph
Avg HR:126 bpm
Max HR:169 bpm
Calories:5,023 C

Now I need to take it easy for a few days, recover, and push toward my next milepost: McNotAgain 30-mile trail race on November 10. One step at a time, one race at a time. Before you know it, I'll be on the starting line of Umstead 100 the morning of April 6, 2013. The keys to a successful 100-mile training plan are to stay injury free and still get in extra long runs (20+ miles). High weekly mileage would be good too, but I seem to do OK on relatively low training miles.

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