Monday, April 22, 2013

Earth Day = Run Barefoot Day!

Today is Earth Day. It's also the anniversary of my sister's tragic death in 2006. I try and do something special every Earth Day to celebrate my sister's death (and life).  In the past, I've run all day. It was a good way to take time away from work and think about life. Today, I have to work...but I'll come home around 6pm and run barefoot on my local trails. Seems like a good way to celebrate Earth Day and remember my sister. Just me and my bare feet squishing in the soft muddy trails. Fortunately, the weather in central Illinois looks to be pretty nice--70 with some sun! Almost as if someone is looking out for me today. Still miss my sister.

Hope you get out today and run. Remember those killed and injured in the Boston Marathon tragedy one week ago. Remember your loved ones. Embrace your health and fitness. If possible, go minimal and remember mother earth too.

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