Count: | 8 Activities |
Distance: | 55.68 mi |
Max Distance: | 9.54 mi |
Avg Distance: | 6.96 mi |
Time: | 9:08:23 h:m:s |
Avg Speed: | 6.1 mph |
Avg HR: | 129 bpm |
Max HR: | 147 bpm |
Calories: | 6,449 C |
Not too bad! I was happy with the number of runs, total mileage, and average HR, but the longest outing was only a 10-mile trail run. Next week I need to increase my long run--something like an 18 mile trail run would be nice. I have just under 5 weeks left until the Howl at the Moon 8-Hour ultra. Just enough time to build a bit more endurance and get heat acclimated.
This might be your biggest week that I can remember for you, and you were cruising along with nice pace variety and running surfaces. Yes, a longer run would be good BUT you have shown you can run good on less than what you think you need....your 15 mile day was great...even if broken up in 2 runs.
Thanks Jeff. I agree. Things are progressing nicely.