Sunday, September 15, 2013

Evergreen Lake Ultra: 2013 Race Report

Race was great. I sucked it big time. First 16-mile trail loop was grand. Second 16-mile loop was miserable. Finish time of 6:14 (12th place out of 32 finishers). I predicted a 5:45 finish, secretly hoped for a 5:30, and figured a 6:00 would be easy. Oh well. Hope Farmdale 30-Mile Trail Race, in 4 weeks, goes better. Need more training. No interest in posting a longer race report. The race course was 95% the same as when I did it in 2011 (and finished in 5:30 on the "30 mile course"). That 2011 race report is here. It even rained for both races!

If nothing else, this poor performance keeps me humble. Good to be humble.

Here's the Garmin data for the race. Pretty sad.


  1. sorry you had a hard time. I ran with you for a while and we traded spots a number of times. I was happy enough with my time, looks like i came in at 6:08 (6:25 last year for my first 50k). The last few miles were tough for me as well, I was too excited at the halfway point and didn't eat very much.

    i also fell once, about a mile in. see you at Farmdale, happy recovery!

  2. You finished right...did you fall in the bike trail area?? did greg do??...did a 13 miler run downs/hard hike ups)on smoky mountain trails in 3hours 2 mins....elev gain of 2700'(I was flying!!:))

    a couple of 17 mile days...runs + hiking

    1 month in mountains you would get in great shape!! we saw 15 elk, 2 bear, 1 coyote on the trails.

    saw 3 runners on Mt LeConte trails, 1 ran up 5miles in 68 mins.

    Wish I could run.train here for 4-6 weeks!!!

    home Sat evening....hope you get back into running 4-5 times a week.

    I want to run Clinton when I get back home to take advantage of my 2 week mountain runs/hikes.

    jeff(day 10 in the mountains and already dreading the trip home)

  3. @Ruairi
    Good finish and big improvement from last year! I'll see you at Farmdale. I plan to be ready for that one! it'll be my 8th Farmdale race.

    Gregg dropped out at mid-point (16 miles). He fell 4 times. I fell once in a grassy area. Not too bad. Happy to run something on Sunday after you are back inn town. Gregg plans on doing McNotAgain on Nov 9 (10 or 30 miler--and he wants you to go along too).
