Friday, December 6, 2013

Only Three Runs

The left calf is improving (still a little tight) and the right rib is bearable. I've even been able to incorporate some speed sessions into my training. Things are looking up! I've been experimenting the last 2 weeks with different runs and cross training/weights. My original goal was to do 4 runs/week--three hard (long for endurance, tempo for lactate-threshold, and intervals for VO2 max and leg speed) plus one easy. I'm not sure, but I think I'm going to toss the "easy" run off the schedule and just do three runs per week. This is basically the "Run Less, Run Faster" routine. If I also do 2 cross-training sessions/week, it will be exactly the same program. Here is a Runner's World article that features the system. I realize it's only been 2 weeks, but I am already enjoying the time off and the hard intensity workouts.

Here was my last "interval" workout from the treadmill (not as fast as I should go, but I was easing into this program). For my 3:25 marathon goal, paces should range from 6:05-6:30 per mile depending on length of the repeat. You can click on "View Details" to see all the detailed Garmin info and graphs. Pretty cool data.

And here is a "tempo" run from today, also on the treadmill (the blip on the graphs is me stopping to tie my shoe). For my goals, tempo runs are done around 7:05 pace (this one was actually a little faster!).

The third element in this program is a long run. For an ultra runner, the long run should be the easiest and least anxiety producing of the three key weekly sessions....but this program has fast-paced long runs (for me, around 8:15 pace for 15-20 miles). I am actually more comfortable with the short repeat/intervals and tempo workouts than the darn long runs! Crazy.

Wish me well in this new training endeavor. I'll post updates throughout the winter. For all of the runs, I hope to see faster paces at the same heart rate...or same paces at a lower hear rate. Best laid plans of mice and men! Hard to believe this "ultra runner" is doing less running...and actually hopes to perform better at all race distances.

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