Sunday, March 23, 2014

0-3 for the Year: Now What?

I've had three bad results so far this year: DNF, DNS, DNF. This coming weekend I'll make my fourth race attempt at the Clinton Lake 30-Mile Trail Run. I know this race and its course better than any other in the country. It's "my race" (founded it in 2007) and my primary long run training ground (no better place to get in 20-mile hilly trail runs). Unfortunately, this year I haven't run the Clinton Lake trail much. To be more precise, I have not run a single mile on the trail this year! Too much snow and ice. And I've become too lazy. Today, Jeff and I are going out to mark the course. The plan is for Jeff to re-paint markings on the trees while I run the course. He'll probably get 5.5 miles marked while I run 10. Next Friday he'll finish the marking job (without my "help"). This may be the first time the trail has been completely free of snow and ice. Hopefully not much mud either. We'll see. It'll be nice to once again run that trail again. Next weekend I'll run three of those 10-mile loops.

So where does this leave me for the rest of the year? I'm currently stuck at 89 ultra/marathons. I planned on being at 92. I'm pretty sure I'll finish Clinton Lake next Saturday. That'll get me to 90 ultra/marathons completed. After that I have the Illinois Marathon. I'm not ready for that. I don't do much road running and I do even less road racing. Yikes, best start hitting the roads between now and April 26. That's OK. The pressure is off, I just need to finish. It'll be a fully-supported long run. And hopefully my 91st ultra/marathon.

After the Illinois Marathon it's simply time to run. I have my challenge with Jeff to run 40 miles/week while he loses 40 pounds. I need more long runs. More hills. More miles. I may take my running to Europe and hit the Scottish highlands. Why not? It's time for a vacation to celebrate my wedding anniversary, why not spend it in Edinburgh? OK, that's technically in the Scottish "lowlands"--but it's still got plenty of fell running. Sounds like the kind of new terrain that could re-energize my running. After some European tourism and running, I can come back to the States and try the "Run Under the Stars" 10-hour race in KY (June 7). Sounds like a plan!

PS: Here's my evening run on the Clinton Lake trail. It was in great condition. No snow. No ice. Only a few "soft spots" (mud). In 6 days I just need to be able to do THREE of these 10-mile loops!

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