Friday, July 18, 2014

21.5 Days Until Howl 8-Hour Ultra

I only have 21.5 days until the Howl at the Moon 8-Hour ultra race. I'm not ready. Let me say that again, I am not ready. My last long run was a 13 miler on June 14th. I've had a few 7 milers since then, but most runs have been 3-5 miles. That does not prepare you for an 8-hour race! I should have several 15-20 milers in there. Yikes.

On the good side, my right knee is behaving much better. I'd say about 95% healed. It doesn't worry me anymore. On race day, in three weeks, it should be fine. Still, I am worried about my mileage base. With three weeks to go, I need to ramp up total mileage and get in at least a few 13-18 mile runs. I need endurance and efficient fat-burning. Plus, some heat training. My plan is to increase the distance and slow the pace of my everyday runs (going back to Maffetone style training: 180-age for max HR on a run). Maybe I can get in about 50 miles each of the next 2 weeks (with at least one "long run" of 13+ miles).  More slow jogging, with some walking breaks, might allow me to extend the long runs to 18-20 miles. I don't want a new injury, or a re-injury of my knee. Two weeks of solid training, with a one week taper, might do the trick. Might. Might not. I'll know on August 9. Wish me luck.

Time to enjoy the long runs. They are my friends. Endurance builds, speed kills.