Thursday, January 15, 2015

Favorite Web Running People (Blog/Twitter)

I love running and I love reading about running. And I love monitoring blogs and twitter feeds about running (or from people that run). That's why I post to DailyMile--it's a great running social media spot. I'm sure we all know the main running web sites: Runners World, Running Times, Let's Run, etc. But in addition to these popular and commercial sites, there are always pretty cool individual people that post about their own runs, philosophies, adventures, struggles, successes, races, and training. I follow quite a few, but am motivated by four particular people. Here are four regular old runners, that I've never met, that inspire me...

Running Ruminations blog and on twitter as @erinAMG
I connected with Erin via the Run Your BQ group. As a fellow vegetarian/vegan runner I was naturally drawn to her running world. Plus, at the time, she was from Chicago (now in Califiornia). After reading her twitter posts and blog, I became inspired by her amazing dedication to her training and racing. She's a fast runner!  I keep thinking one day I'll catch her PRs. Probably not. Still, she's a great motivator and a humorous poster. Lately she's adventured into the trail ultra world. Should be exciting following her 50K and beyond attempts in the future. Big lesson I've learned from Erin is to be serious about your training and follow a plan. Dream, work hard, and race results will come your way. One Patriot's Day in the future, I may be on the statring line in Hopkinton with her.

Sweat Once a Day blog and on twitter as @emilysweats
I have no idea how I got connected to Emily's blog or twitter posts. Most liklely from a "who to follow" on twitter suggestion. Well, twitter was right. Emily loves running long on the Northwest trails. She loves drinking craft beers in Oregon. And she loves getting dirty. She's an incredibly strong, and rather fast, runner. One day I hope to catch Emily's PRs...but it may not happen. I still have her beat at the 100 mile distance, but everything shorter is too fast for me. I need to follow slower runners! It was awesome following Emily's attempt, and success, at her first 100 miler last year. Major lesson gleaned from Emily is to run hard and long with friends and celebrate with a beer...or two. And do it often. I can imagine running with her on the WS100 trails.

Bourbon Feet and Sea to Sea blogs
I think I connected with Patrick's blog via the "Born to Run" barefoot running craze. He's one of those insane barefoot runners that does amazing races from one mile to 100 miles. For the longer races he uses Luna sandals. Pretty cool. Of course, most of his running and life is spent in warm and sunny southern California. That shit won't fly in Illinois winters! Patrick doesn't seem to post his daily runs anywhere, and his blog posts are sporadic at best...but always entertaining. He just started his latest adventure...running across America. Geeez. While Patrick is extremely fast (he wins many races), his biggest contribution to my running is to ENJOY THE HELL out of it. He runs, drinks, socializes, and experiences life via running. Good lesson for us all. I'd love to "challenge" him to a beer mile. He'd win. Easily.

Fellrnr blog/wiki and at DailyMile and twitter as @fellrnr
Jonathan is also known as the Fellrnr. He's originally from the UK, but now resides in North Carolina. His fellrnr blog/wiki is a treasure of useful tips, strategies, reviews, and inspiration. It's my first go-to spot on the web for candid shoe reviews (and other running related stuff). And his training experiments and documentation are unbeliveable. His DailyMile runs and posts are incredibly inspiring...because he RUNS A LOT and is honest about what works and what doesn't work. His regular 100+ mile weeks are amazing. And he's fast too. Like "made the USA national 24-hour ultra team" fast! Jonathon's main contribution to my running is his knowledge (and sharing) about best practices and research related to running...then applying that to actual runs. I may do the Umstead 100 again and it would be great to run next to Jonathan...or get his expert help at an aid station.

So these are four blogging runners that inspire me. These folks might not realize they've had a positive impact on my running, but they have. I hope they keep running and sharing. Three from the west coast (and all their glorious trails and mountains) and one from NC (also lots of great trails). I'm jealous. Check them out and see if they might motivate you too. Before you know it, you might be increasing your running distances and paces...and tossing back a few more beers. Patrick has me seriously thinking about a beer mile attempt. Hmmmm...

PS: I am inspired and motivated by my local buffalo trail runners every single day. I'm not including any of them here because it seemed too easy. You all are the best!

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