Sunday, April 5, 2015

3 Weeks to the Marathon

I now have less than 3 weeks to the Illinois Marathon (April 25). I think I peaked too early. If this race was in mid-February, I would have aced it. I had a great November, December, and January. February sucked for training, but could have been a nice taper period. Alas, the Illinois Marathon is at the end of April. I feel good about my endurance and I do have basic speed. I'm worried about my stamina--can I maintain moderate speed over the full distance? Right now, I'd say not likely. But I still have 3 weeks of "training" to peak for the marathon.

My plan for the next three weeks is simple...don't screw anything up...and try for a little speed. Endurance is complete. I won't run anything longer than 10-12 miles. I'll try to incorporate marathon paced runs (7:55/mile) and marathon effort runs (75-78% HRR). I'll try to get in one or two progression runs, ending sorta tempo like, at about 7:30 pace. No short and fast intervals. No serious hills. As usual, and possibly a mistake, most of my runs will be on trails. Gently rolling grass and dirt trails. Maybe I should do more road runs in preparation for the road marathon, but I don't like roads. Last year's Illinois Marathon showed me I could do fine at the marathon with mostly trail training. Trails make you strong. They make roads seem easy and smooth. I'm counting on that on race day!

I have about 2 weeks of good training left. Then one week of really easy taper. Essentially, from now until the marathon is really a taper, but I can still do some confidence building workouts that won't drain me. It's time to heal and build. And hope for cool weather come race day. How about 45-50 degrees, overcast, and no wind?

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