Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Did I Reach My 2015 Run Goals?

It's time to look back and see how this year's running went. Did I reach my goals? Based on my January 1, 2015 blog post ("Running Goals for 2015") it doesn't look good. I still have a couple of days left, but I don't think any new goals are going to be achieved. Just being a realist. Let's take a look at each of the five goals I set for myself in 2015.

1. Qualify for Boston Marathon. Nope. Not even close. I needed a sub 3:30, but ran a 3:42 at the Illinois Marathon in April.  It was a miserable weather day--high winds and rain almost all day. Due to lightning, they even cancelled the race when I was around mile 24. Still, I wasn't ready. Not enough long runs and speed work to make me fit for a personal best. And I didn't try for another marathon the rest of the year. I haven't given up on the Boston dream (yet), but it didn't happen in 2015. 0-1 on running goals.

2. Set at least one new personal record. Nope. Again, not even close. I thought I'd nab the marathon PR (and qualify for Boston), plus a 50-mile PR. Maybe even a new 5K or half-marathon PR too.  I was optimistic at the end of 2014. None of it came to pass in 2015. Not much else to say. Guess that makes it 0-2 on goals.

3. Finally reach 100 ultra/marathons. Yes! Goal achieved. I am currently at 101 ultra/marathons. Howl at the Moon 8-hour was my 100th in August, then the Barkley Fall Classic in September for #101. I've been trying to break this 100 barrier for 2 years. Feels good to finally grab it. Not too many people can say they've knocked off that many ultras or marathons. Howl at the Moon was one of my worst race efforts, but I did it. And Barkley was a nasty affair, but I survived. I'm satisfied. 1-2 for my run goals. 

4. Stay injury-free for the entire year. Yes. Sorta. I didn't have any injuries, but I was really sick twice. Once with pneumonia in June, then a terrible (and harsh) cold/flu in October. Each knocked me out for 2 weeks of no running. The pneumonia had a lasting negative impact--it took about 2 months to get back to "almost normal" easy running. Even longer before I "felt right." I'm pretty sure I ran poorly at the August Howl at the Moon ultra because of the lingering effects of the pneumonia. And the October cold/flu knocked me out of the Tunnel Hill 50 miler in November (DNS). Still, on the positive side, I was not injured. Just a bit unhealthy. I'll count this as a win. 2-2 for run goals. I'd prefer to stay injury-free and healthy in 2016. 

5. Run over 1600 miles. Not achieved. Unless I hammer out about 150 miles in the next 2 days (Across the Years, anyone?) this goal will not come to fruition. That's cool. If I added back in those four missed weeks due to illness, I'd be right on target. I'll finish 2015 just shy of 1500 miles. Not my best effort, but it's still OK.

So, I end up achieving 2 out of 5 goals for 2015. Not great. I can do better in 2016. I'll post those new goals soon. 

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