Sunday, January 3, 2016

My 2016 Running Goals

2015 was not my best year.
I'm looking forward to 2016.

Here are my running goals for the year:

1. Qualify for the Boston Marathon.
I'll turn 50 this year and need a 3:30 marathon to qualify for Boston. Probably a couple of minutes faster to actually get into the race. So, I'm planning on a 3:28 (or better) marathon. I already have a couple of races picked out, but I think I've settled on one real attempt. If that goes well, then I'm in for Boston. If not, I think I'm giving up on this dream and focusing on ultramarathons. I have a few dream ultras I'd like to run.

2. Set at least 2 new personal records. 
When you're 50, new personal bests don't come that often. Still, I have high hopes for this year. I'll set 2 new PRs. Not sure what distances, but two of the following will fall: 5K, 10K, half-marathon, marathon, 50K, 50 mile, 100K, or 100 mile. If I grab a Boston qualifier, that will be one of the new PRs. Need another one.

3. Follow a structured training plan for at least one goal race.
I rarely follow a training plan. When I do, it's for about 4 weeks. I need more consisitency and structure if I'm going to race well. It's time to commit to a race and implement a 12-16 week training plan. Maybe for a half-marathon. Maybe the Boston attempt. Maybe both.

That's it. Three interconnected goals for this year. If all goes well, I'll follow a training plan, qualify for Boston, and set two PRs. I'll get back to you with the results on December 31. Wish me well.

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