Monday, February 15, 2016

Already Miss the Trails

This Hanson half-marathon program is pretty good stuff, but I am already missing the trails and my long runs. If I can stay disciplined for a few more weeks (11 weeks to race day!), I'll be OK. Unfortunately, I'm already wavering. Friends are talking about checking out a new trail, 22 miles out and back, this weekend. And I'm eager to join them! My Hanson's program calls for a 10-mile road run. Hmmmm...maybe I'm simply not cut out for road racing. Or short distances. I have a couple of 5K races between now and the Illinois half-marathon, but they do not excite me. I'm looking forward to getting this half-marathon (and full marathon Boston attempt) behind me so I can train and race trail ultras again. This dedication and commitment thing is too hard.

Can't I just run? No need to answer that question. I do want some new PRs. I suppose everything in life worth accomplishing takes commitment and sacrifice. Running is no different. Set a tough goal, train hard, and meet that goal. Satisfaction follows. Plenty of time for "just running." For now, I need to keep my eye on the prize and follow the training plan I selected. But I think a long trail run this weekend might be good for my soul. You can't ignore your soul, right?

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