Monday, February 29, 2016

Leap Day Post

Today is February 29, 2016. Leap Day. On this extra day, I have an extra blog post. About nothing in particular. Just a few insights from the last few weeks.

I prefer trails to roads and treadmills. But, I do see the value of training on different surfaces. Now that the weather seems to be warming, I'll hit mostly trails, but I'll make sure to log road and treadmill runs too. Variety is the spice of life.

I'm not a structured runner. I dream of following training plans, but consistently fail. That's OK. I need to embrace who I am as a runner...and basically do whatever I want. No plans.

What do I really want and enjoy from running? Long trail runs and ultras. Time for me to admit this and don't try to change. I have a feeling many more ultras, including 100-milers, are in my future.

I'm older. I need more rest and recovery from hard workouts. I still grow and positively respond to those tougher sessions, but I need to space them out. I'm not 20 years old. Or 30. Or 40.

With age comes wisdom and a sense of calm. Embrace who you are and do what makes you happy.

I don't enjoy being sick. Who does? Fortunately, I've been blessed with pretty good fitness and health throughout my life. I need to appreciate that fact.

Personal bests are coming to an end. I still feel ready to bust out a new personal record (PR) at one or two distances, but those opportunities are fleeting. Soon I'll need to accept that all of my PRs are set in stone...but not today!

Happy Leap Day. Get in that extra run for the month (and year). Or not. Do what makes you happy. Enjoy.

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