Thursday, March 31, 2016

Speed Kills, Distance Heals

I'm on the verge of yet another cold. Sore throat, congestion, malaise. I'm pretty sure my renewed speedy intervals have done me in again! Damn. I cannot handle this fast stuff. Moderate tempo runs are usually fine with my body, but not the hard intervals. Maybe I'm just getting older and not recovering quickly enough. Whatever. Something needs to be adjusted.

Speed kills. I'm hoping that distance heals.

I'm giving up on any goals at the Illinois half-marathon (in just over 4 weeks). I just don't care. I don't even feel like racing. Maybe a DNS is in the books? Why run if you aren't going to run well?

I'm ready to give up on any Boston qualifier ideas for my summer marathon. Hopefully I'll change my mind. My brother is doing that one as his first marathon--that's a BIG deal! I'll definitely run the race...but maybe not as a BQ attempt. Could jog the full thing with my bro? Lots of time between now and July 31. We'll see.

I am looking forward to summer and fall ultra marathons. If speed kills, maybe distance heals?


  1. ....Slow Burn, Van Aaken, Maffetone, 80/20, honest easy running to your proper heartrate is your ONLY way to will get bored, will not be exciting for you BUT you will not get sick....

    Seriously, this is too bad, you have alot of talent as a runner with low body weight, all you need to perform well at any distance is too slow down to an honest easy paced running (BUT your mind can'y handle it).

    Good luck, maybe you downfall has been not running with Gregg and I??

    your friend, jeff

  2. Probably right. Anyway, time to get back to easy stuff. More miles = more aerobic capacity. That's what marathons and ultras are all about. If I run easy, I can run more (plus long). Lots of miles will lead to greater aerobic capacity. Sick of being sick. Health before fitness.
