Tuesday, May 10, 2016

82 days to the Marathon

I have 82 days until Jack and Jill's Downhill Marathon in North Bend, WA. It's a certified trail course (rails to trails variety). Net downhill. Training started today with an easy 6 miler. My long runs are starting at 13 miles (from the half-marathon 10 days ago). My plan is to do lots of easy runs, slowly increasing the length of the daily run. Very little speed work. A few long runs (18+ miles). Combination of road and trail. I'd like to develop enough endurance and aerobic capacity that my daily runs at 8:00 pace feel easy. Right now, I'm running "easy" at about 8:50 pace. My marathon goal pace is 8:00 (for a 3:30 finish and a Boston qualifier), but I'd prefer 7:50 (for a 3:25 finish and the chance to actually get into the Boston Marathon). It all seems doable...in 82 days.

In my mind, the primary goal is to become an aerobic beast. Not a speed demon. Not a hill monster. Just plenty of running at an easy aerobic "conversational" pace. Long, slow, distance. The gentle way to train. We'll see if this works. I need to remain healthy, uninjured, and motivated to keep regular running on my schedule. I can do that for 82 days, right?

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