Friday, July 29, 2016

36 Hours to the Marathon!

Not much left to do except rest and wait. I just did my last short run (2 miles) and now the race is only a day and a half away. In thirty-six hours I'll toe the starting line at the Jack and Jill trail marathon. Sunday morning is what I've trained for (through the Illinois heat and humidity). Fortunately, the Seattle area should be cooler than central Illinois. Not cold, but OK (maybe high 60s, low 70s at the end of the race). Can't control the weather so I'll just relax. I hear the tunnel at the beginning is nice and cool.

I need a sub 3:30 finish to qualify for Boston. I'll be shooting for a 3:27. I think there are 3:30 and 3:25 pace groups. I'll stay ahead of one and behind the other. After 20 miles, if I feel good (or not too bad), I can pick up the pace. That probably won't happen.

My brother is no first marathon finish for him. He'll be my crew and cheerleader. Since this is a trail course, without many spectators or aid stations, it'll be nice to see someone along the trail 2-3 times. A fresh batch of GU gels, or RunGum, will be nice. Hopefully I can settle into a good pace inside the 2+ mile tunnel near the start. Then toss the headlamp and go for another 23 miles. Simple.

Wish me well. Boston or bust! If it's not a successful Boston time, it may be a spectacular bust.

Note: Two hours after the marathon, we have tickets to the Seattle Sounders vs LA Galaxy match. That could be a tough couple of hours sitting in stadium seats. Hope they have pizza and beer.

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