Thursday, August 25, 2016


After two very bad race experiences in just two weeks, a marathon and an ultra, it's time to rest and recover. And apparently my body agrees. I came down with a nasty cold just a couple of days after the Howl at the Moon ultra. I've now logged many zero days as I try to stop a runny nose and congested cough. Your body will eventually force you to rest. If you don't balance work and play or running and recovery, then your body will do it for you. And it won't be fun. I've been dragging for more than 10 days now.

Once I get over this illness, I'll slowly get back to regular running. My next race is Tunnel Hill 50 miler in mid-November. Just less than 80 days to go. Plenty of time to recover, get healthy, and become fit. I'll be fine. I need to remember to balance my running. Lots of easy MAF style runs each week with one harder effort seems to be the right balance. Maybe I'll even start setting heart rate zones and alarms. If I don't take control and enforce the easy running, my body may revolt again. I don't want another cold, or the flu, or pneumonia. Time to take charge and run with balance.

Interesting information...
Here is example heart rate data before and after being sick:
Healthy morning resting heart rate: 48 (lower is generally good)
Healthy heart rate variability reading: 65 (higher is generally good)
Sick morning resting heart rate: 62
Sick heart rate variability reading: 45

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