Thursday, September 8, 2016

Eight Day Run Streak

A week ago I decided to screw my illness and go for a run. I had missed almost 3 weeks of running due to a cold. That run was fairly pathetic. Short and slow with lots of coughing. I spit out disgusting phlegm. But it started something good. It turns out whatever I had (and still have) was a fairly nasty "cold"--doctor diagnosed "acute bronchitis" and prescribed antibiotics last Friday. I'm starting to feel better. In fact, I now have an 8-day run streak going! I still don't feel great, but I'm in a better place than a week ago. If I can keep running, and keep healing, I might be back to "normal" in another week or so. And that 50 mile trail race in mid-November will actually be possible.

I'm not sure I'll try to extend this running streak to 10 days, 30 days, 60 days, or up to Tunnel Hill 50 miler (73 day streak). For now it feels good to run each morning and see how it goes. I've tried running streaks in the past and never gotten past 100 days without injury. If I can knock off  another week of consistent daily running, I'll be happy. Very happy. Then I can start a more structured training program with a longer run each week and some type of speed work each week. Plus a day or two completely off for rest and recovery. For's one day at a time. The doxycycline seems to be working and my chest is basically clear from congestion and mucus. Still a little sinusy, but not too bad. I actually sleep all night. Feels great to wake up rested and be ready to go! The human body is pretty amazing...especially with a little help from modern medicine.

My current run streak is only eight days. Not 80. Not 800. Not even ten. But it feels like I have an infinite number of runs in my future. That would be a long run streak. Infinity. For now, I'll settle on 9. One day, one run.

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