Sunday, December 31, 2017

Summary of 2017 Running

Looks like 2017 is coming to a close. To end the year, I got in a nice 10K run on the treadmill this morning at sub 8:00 pace. Felt good. I've enjoyed the faster running...but I miss the long runs and ultras. I'll shoot for a better balance between speed and distance next year--including races.

Here are my running statistics for 2017 with a comparison to last year. This year was not great, but better than last year. I expect 2018 to be even better. I'm getting wiser. More disciplined with less injuries.

266 Activities
235 Activities
1,376.42 mi
1,269.25 mi
Max Distance:
32.79 mi
36.56 mi
Avg Distance:
5.17 mi
5.40 mi
215:45:13 h:m:s
205:06:48 h:m:s
Avg Speed:
6.4 mph (9:23)
6.2 mph (9:41)
Avg HR:
134 bpm
131 bpm
158,606 C
157,926 C
Elevation Gain:
52,867 ft
52,997 ft
Longest Streak:
27 days
26 days
Longest Break:
3 days
9 days

My longest running streak was 27 days. My longest non-running streak was only 3 days. That happened once. I was consistent this year. No real injuries (except for a trip and fall on the road that beat up my knee). No extended illnesses--just one common cold. I worked quite a bit on speed (instead of slow distance). Even with the focus on speed, I stayed injury-free due to my attention to morning heart rate and heart rate variability. If these were off, I took it easy. When those HR stats returned to normal, I could push a little more.

Goals for next year? I'll post those next year!

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