Sunday, July 15, 2018

Last Man Standing 2018

Yesterday was another "Last Man Standing" event for the central Illinois Buffalo. We seem to do one or two of these each year. Last year, I ran 33 miles. This year...4 miles. Both were just about right. I was determined last year and wanted more miles to prepare for Howl at the Moon (month later). This year, I just wanted to socialize and get in one full loop. Could I have run more? Sure. But why? I'm still recovering from injury and illness and not motivated for any upcoming races. Plus, I've decided not to race in hot weather. Heck, I don't even want to train in warm weather!

I'll slowly make my way back to "normal" and be ready for fall half-marathons. I love when the weather starts to turn chilly and you put gloves on for the first time. You feel strong and fast. Ready to race. That's still 3 months away, but I can dream. For now, it's fairly short early morning runs. Nothing special compared to my past training and racing, but very special to me. I just want to run. Get healthy. Become fit. Simple pleasures of life.

Special thanks to Jeff and Gregg for hosting the LMS again. Maybe next year I'll knock off 2 loops (8.2 miles). Three loops? Now I'm talking crazy!

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