Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Boston Bound? I'm Trying!

Over the Thanksgiving weekend, I decided it was time to register for a marathon and try to qualify to run Boston. I am grateful for being healthy and injury-free. My running is going fairly well. I don't have fantastic endurance right now, and my speed could be faster, but I'm doing fine. I have a good aerobic base. Mentally I feel ready for a challenge. Why not try for Boston!

So, I registered for the fastest marathon qualifier I could find in my area...the Spring BQ.2 race in Geneva, IL. The race is on Saturday, April 18. Plenty of time to train. But close enough that I already feel subtle pressure to get serious. I don't have a set training plan, but here are a few thoughts:

Stage 1 = December and January: "Pre-Training" where I build a larger aerobic base, but also incorporate a touch of speed via progression and tempo runs, hills, and strides. Nothing too crazy. Also, weekly marathon pace runs at 8:00-8:05 minute/mile. I need a 3:35 finish to qualify for Boston (8:12 pace), but really need about 3:33 to qualify _and_ get into the darn Boston Marathon (8:08).

Stage 2 = February and March: Real training. Not sure what this means yet, but basically a more serious version of my pre-training routine.

Stage 3 = April 1-17: Taper. Cut back on volume, but keep some intensity.

As part of my "pre-training" period I have several long runs planned. Potentially informal "fat ass" style trail ultras. If I can get in a couple of 28-30 mile runs before I start intense marathon training, I'll have confidence in my ability to survive training and perform well on race day. If all goes well on April 18, 2020, I will qualify for Boston 2021. I'll have a year to dream about Boston. If things do not go well, I'll have time to reassess and pick out a new BQ attempt in early fall (possibly the Fall BQ.2 marathon race in September).

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