Thursday, January 2, 2020

2019 Running Statistics

Last year, 2019, went pretty well. No injuries. Racing wasn't the best, but I'm getting older. When I look at age-graded standards, my racing is actually VERY good. My 53 year old self was keeping up with my PRs as a 30 year old! I need to be more realistic about my racing goals. And for general running goals, I think they need to be more process oriented, rather than time-based outcome goals. Goals are another blog post (coming soon). Here are running stats from 2019 with a comparison to 2018:

236 runs
278 runs
1,137.76 mi
1,420 mi
Max Distance:
13.17 mi
26.25 mi
Avg Distance:
4.82 mi
175:48 h:m
224:41 h:m
Avg Speed:
9:07 min/mi
9:13 min/mi
Avg HR:
133 bpm
132 bpm
Elevation Gain:
40,846 ft
43,597 ft
Avg Cadence
164 spm
163 spm
Longest Streak:
16 days
23 days
Longest Break:
7 days
3 days

More runs, more miles, less time off, greater elevation gain, and one marathon. Not too bad! Much better than 2018. Need to keep the momentum going into 2020. I'll be setting 2020 running and racing goals soon.


  1. Well done. I've had a fairly brisk hip flexor over use injury since end of November. So, I am reluctant to do the comparison for the year. I am an engineer by vocation and love the data. Enjoy your blog but not a vegetarian or vegan....

  2. Hope your injury heals quickly. Been lucky with few injuries in the past couple of years. Glad you enjoy the blog--no need to be a veggie lover! :-)
