Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Achilles Tendinitis Better (thanks COVID-19)

Over the last 3+ months, I have suffered from Achilles tendinitis (self-diagnosed).The marathon build-up pushed my body a bit too much. Long runs and speed work took its toll on my left Achilles. I have done icing, rolling, stretching, and topical CBD oil (plus CBD gummies!). Not sure if any treatment helped, but it never got too bad. But it was always there. Raising it's ugly head during long runs and faster workouts. Not anymore!

Thanks to the novel coronavirus (COVID-19), my marathons have been canceled and my training has gone into maintenance mode. Nothing too long. Nothing too intense. Just run every single day. Nice and easy. And my Achilles is feeling much better after just 7-10 days of this new routine. Thanks COVID-19! Always a silver lining. I'll eventually ramp up my training again, but probably very slowly. My next race, if not postponed or canceled, is the August Howl at the Moon 8-Hour ultra. No need for intense speed there! Just easy running. For a long time. Perfect.

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