Monday, November 23, 2020

369 Mile Utah National Parks Challenge

At the end of October, on the last day, I completed the virtual 369 mile Utah Parks Challenge. It started on September 1, so I finished the 369 miles in 2 months. Pretty good. I also beat my brother's 5-person team! Even a better achievement. The challenge was to run "through" all of the national parks in Utah--a distance of 369 miles--in 4 months. Teams up to 5 runners could compete and log their local miles as part of the challenge. I decided to go solo and try to finish in 2 months, instead of 4 months. And I did! The race swag was pretty nice: big fancy medal, fleece jacket, and a race face mask. Very 2020. 

But, come November 1, I was tired. Needed a rest. My right heel was hurting. So November has been a month of rest and recovery. My regular 40+ mile weeks were toned down to ~20 miles per week. Heel still hurts today, but it is better. And I feel like I can start ramping up the mileage of, or add speed to, my weekly runs. This week is Thanksgiving. Perfect time to be thankful and appreciate my health and fitness. Also push myself with longer and faster runs. I still have not run a marathon or ultra this year. I need to get one done before December 31. Slow trail marathon at Lake of the Woods? Winter solstice ultra at Clinton Lake? We shall see! 

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