Thursday, August 4, 2022

July Run Stats: Looking Better!

June kind of sucked for my running. I vowed to do better in July...and I did! Happy with most of my statistics for the month. Only "race" was the local "Last Man Standing" (Backyard Ultra) on July 9. I managed 24.6 miles. Wanted 28.7 miles (one more loop). Oh well. It was warm and I was still recovering from a bum ankle. Now that ankle is healed and I'm ready to roll. I think. I have my first speed test of the summer: local 5K race on Saturday morning. Last year at this race I ran 23:30. Very disappointed. It was run on Friday night instead of the regular Saturday morning so it was much warmer. This year I feel better prepared, but not fully ready. Think 22:00 is my realistic goal. If I cut 1:30 off from last year, that is significant progress. My real goal is 1st in age group (50-59) and top 20 overall. Not sure what finish time will be needed to achieve those goals. Here are my stats for July:

June 2022July 2022
Run Activities1932
Total Distance88.74 mi135.26 mi
Average Distance4.67 mi4.23 mi
Max Distance10.25 mi24.60 mi
Total Activity Time14:33 h:m23:26 h:m
Avg Run Time46:00 m:s43:57 m:s
Total Elev Gain3,199 ft5,243 ft
Average Pace9:51 /mi10:24 /mi
Average Heart Rate133 bpm128 bpm
Average Run Cadence158 spm158 spm

Lots of green shading means I did better in July than June! More runs, more miles, more elevation, and longer max distance run. Slower pace due to that really slow Last Man Standing event.  For now, I'm happy. Hope to continue solid mileage in August, but with more speed work. Two days to the 5K race. 

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