Sunday, January 1, 2023

December Running Stats: Generally Good

I closed out 2022 with a solid set of running statistics for December. Not exactly a bang, but not a whimper either. Think the full year was a little low compared to last year, but at least December was good. We had some brutally cold weather in December, but also lots of reasonable temps that made running a pleasure. No races except the "fun run" of the winter solstice 30 miler. Now I turn my attention to January and the Riddle Run 28 miler. After 30 miles at Clinton Lake trail, think 28 miles at Lake of the Woods trails should be easy. Right? Here are stats comparing November to December:

Nov 2022Dec 2022
Run Activities2923
Total Distance123.11 mi137.97 mi
Average Distance4.25 mi6.00 mi
Max Distance11.47 mi29.21 mi
Total Activity Time21:01 h:m26:16 h:m
Avg Run Time43:30 m:s1:08:32 h:m:s
Total Elev Gain6,827 ft9,472 ft
Average Pace10:15 /mi11:26 /mi
Average Heart Rate126 bpm131 bpm
Average Run Cadence161 spm156 spm

More miles on less runs. Good elevation gain. Slower paces with lots of walking. The main achievement was finishing the Winter Solstice 30 miler at Clinton Lake. That was my longest run of the year! Only one of two finishers. Lots of buffalo runners took it easy and did 10 or 20 miles (1 or 2 loops instead of the full 3 loops). I am now in contention to finish the Free Ultra Trifecta Challenge (Winter Solstice 30M, Riddle Run 28M, and Backyard Ultra). Soon I'll post my 2021 vs 2022 run statistics...and revisit 2022 goals and plans for 2023. I finished the year healthy, injury-free, and happy. That is worth something! 

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