Tuesday, May 30, 2023

You Can Run Too Easy

After about 30 years of running, I discovered something new. I have been running too easy on my easy days! Yes indeed. People say you cannot run too slow or too easy on your "easy days" but they are wrong. I'm sure many runners do run too hard on their easy days, but I have not been one of them. In fact, my easy days have likely been too easy. Often my heart rate will be 115 average for the run. Maybe lower. And my max HR is 180. My lactate threshold is around 160. According to Garmin, based on max HR (or Lactate Threshold HR) my "warm-up" Zone 1 is 114-127. Zone 2 ("easy aerobic") is 128-141. 

If I am running a lot of miles at the bottom of Zone 1, then I am taking it too easy unless it is a true recovery day after a hard workout or race. For a daily easy run, I should be at the top of Zone 1 or in Zone 2. Shuffling along in Zone 1 (especially at the bottom of the zone) is not contributing much to my aerobic development. If I can push just a little harder, still feeling easy and breathing/talking with no problems, then I'll get a better aerobic stimulus while still running easy. In fact, Zone 2 is a great pace to be! There have been lots of recent articles about Zone 2 training being the best spot for safe and effective training. I agree! Over the last month I have been doing a lot more Zone 2 training and I have felt great. It actually feels good and natural to run at that effort. And I recover quickly. I'm a big believer in 80/20 running where 80% of your training  should be easy and 20% (or less) is hard. For me, that 80% should be in Zones 1 and 2. Mostly Zone 2 and certainly not restricted to only Zone 1. Don't get me started on Maffetone HR training--that technique would have me running at 180-57 = 123 heart rate. Too low. 

I'll see how my new Zone 2 training works in the next few months. I plan on many miles in Zone 2. My primary reason? It feels good. Very good. I always felt awkward running at such a low HR. Now I feel like a real runner. Not fast, not slow, just moving in a natural manner. Second reason for the change? Better training. I'm confident that I'll develop my aerobic system more thoroughly with the Zone 2 approach. Plus, I'll throw in the harder efforts too--keeping them at less than 20% of total training. 

Zone 2 training articles:

Why Easy “Zone 2” Workouts Became the Biggest Thing in Fitness

Zone 2 Training: Build Your Aerobic Capacity

Yes, Zone 2 Training Is Important. (Just Don’t Forget the Other Stuff.) 

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