Sunday, August 18, 2024

My VO2 Max Lab Results

Not me, but this was the set-up.
I finally had a real VO2 max lab test. The University of Illinois Kinesiology department offers lab testing for $100. I had several estimates of my current VO2 max, but didn't know if any of them were valid. Which was the most accurate? Coros watch? Garmin watch? Recent 5K race results? My "somewhat official" Cooper Test on the track? Here are how those measures predicted my VO2 max:

  • Coros watch: 44
  • Recent 5K race: 43
  • Garmin watch: 48
  • Cooper Fitness Test: 49.8
The real lab test result? VO2 max = 43.1 

I was disappointed. Thought it would be in the high 40s, maybe 48 or 49. Turns out my recent 5K race and the Coros watch estimate were the closest! Garmin was way too positive. Still not sure why the Cooper Fitness test was so high. It seemed like the most official predictor when reading the research literature. Maybe I measured the distance incorrectly? I'll try another Cooper Test in the next month. And another Coros Fitness test too! 

Here are other statistics from the test:
  • Max HR = 179
  • Aerobic threshold (V1) = 141 HR
  • Anaerobic threshold (V2, estimated) = 161 HR
  • VO2 max = 43.1 mL/kg/min
  • Absolute VO2 max = 3.44 L/min
  • Velocity at VO2 max = 9.5mph (~6:19 min/mile)
  • Called it quits at 10mph (6:00 pace) and 374 watts!
The test starts easy enough with a warm-up and nice chatting about the process with the lab technician. Then the treadmill is paused and the mask gets placed over your face and connected to a tube so they can measure O2 and CO2 as you breathe. Now it was real! Back to easy running, then they start cranking the speed every 2 minutes until you give up (treadmill was always level for me, but if needed, they can increase the incline). Think I could have pushed a little longer, but that last 2-minute segment at 10mph/6:00 pace was brutal. Everything seemed OK until around 9.5 mph. When moved to 10mph, my legs were pumping, I was breathing hard and could feel the burn. Done.

If nothing else, I now have a good sense of my power (270W) and HR (141) at V1 (aerobic threshold, top of zone 2). My Polar arm HR band seemed to track the lab's chest strap within 1-2 beats the whole time. Good to know it's accurate. 

The university lab testing was fun. I would do it again in 6-12 months. I truly believe I can increase my number with more speed work. According to their charts, I am in the 90th percentile for my age/gender. I want more! 

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