On Sunday when this whole 7-day thing started, I was greeted by the display in the photo at right. It is in reference to Team Buffalo and my team in the
Moon Walk competition. I won't say who's car that is, but her dog was also badgering me the whole day! To set the record straight, I had a work-related moon walk team long before anyone mentioned starting a buffalo trail running team. I would have been all over the buffalo team and I'm glad Bill finally started one and got a great group of buffalo runners to join. There's no real competition between my team and the buffalo---I've climbed all the way to 3rd place (out of 127 teams), but I can't go any higher. The Buffalo and Wayward Wonders are too far ahead. If I had 4 buffalo as my teammates, rather than 4 office peers, I'd easily be in first place. I currently have the same mileage as my 4 teammates combined! Anyway, the Moon Walk has encouraged a few people at work to walk more and think about exercise and nutrition. That's what it's all about. I hope that Team Buffalo holds onto first place.
We love you, Chris!!! Too bad you didn't get to see the other sign I made!!
The troublemakers
Other sign? Now I'm intrigued.
No, we'll keep it undisclosed... in case you betray us again!!!
The troublemakers
I've been warned.
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