Farmdale 32-Mile Trail Run (4 x 8-mile loops)
October 17, 2009
Loop 1: 1:45, HR=126
Loop 2: 1:51, HR=130
Loop 3: 1:40, HR=140
Loop 4: 1:32, HR=150
Full race: 6:48, HR=136
McNotAgain 30-Mile Trail Run (3 x 10-mile loops)
October 31, 2009
Loop 1: 2:08, HR=129
Loop 2: 2:12, HR=134
Loop 3: 2:02, HR=146
Full race: 6:22, Average HR=137
One anomaly is the second loop time for each race. I believe the second loops were actually run in about the same time as the first loops, but I spent extra time in the start/finish area aid station and swapping clothes that added minutes to the second loop slit. Otherwise, each race saw a fairly steady increase in heart rate with a slight increase in pace (negative split for each race). I felt good during and after each race. I was probably not well-rested for McNaughton Park (2 weeks after Farmdale), but still did OK. I'm curious how the HR monitor might be used to help me race a trail ultra. It was easy to hold back in these two events since I treated them as "just long runs." Not sure I could do the same if I was really racing and trying for a fast finish time. I'm pleased with my relatively low average heart rate for each race (136 & 137). With fatigue and dehydration your heart rate tends to climb. I still managed to keep mine under control while speeding up just a bit. Time to continue my base-level Lydiard training program. Lots of aerobic runs. Lots of long runs. Not much speed work...except for the 5K and 8K races I have in the next month!
More McNotAgain race pictures courtesy of Greg and Mike.
UPDATE: The Clinton Lake 30-Mile Trail Run now has 119 runners. It will close at 125. My guess is we'll reach that point this week.
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