This book is small--both in page size (5.5 x 8.5 inches) and length (61 total pages). The cost is fairly minimal as well: $14.95. I guess a book on minimalist running should be minimal, eh? The book's shortness is both a blessing and a curse. If you are looking for an in-depth treatise on barefoot running, this is not your book. If you want a quick primer on barefoot running, then this book will provide a great collection of advice from a trustworthy and experienced author. For someone new to the minimalist landscape, Jason's book is an ideal entry point. It provides a rationale for why barefoot running can be a healthy and robust alternative to shod running. The book then takes the reader through a series of exercises and drills that should be done before going barefoot. This "pre-work" is important for eventual success in transitioning from shod to barefoot running and walking. After the "pre-running" information, Robillard advances through beginning, intermediate, and advanced barefoot running. He provides two basic 4-stage training schedules that should help runners conceptualize the transition from shoes to bare soles. The schedules do not provide any distance details (daily or weekly mileage) nor do they include types of runs (easy, tempo, speed, long). I suppose other training books provide those detailed schedules (and the book does list several good web resources for training plans).
Throughout the book, the author pairs "concepts" with "activities." Concepts are the main ideas related to barefoot running (like quick cadence/stride rate), activities are exercises that reinforce the concept (metronome drill). While presenting these concepts and activities, the author also brings up common issues that new (and experienced) runners will face while going barefoot--blisters, calf soreness, top-of-foot pain, etc. By reading the book, runners should have the knowledge and foresight to prevent common injuries.
Based on my personal experiences running barefoot and in minimalist shoes, this book "rings true." Considering the book's small size, it packs an amazing wealth of excellent information. I highly recommend it for beginners. I consider myself an intermediate "barefoot/minimalist" runner, but still found it useful and interesting. Jason's writing style is straightforward and humorous. While 90% of his book was a review for me...it was a GOOD review and helped reinforce key concepts. Plus, I still learned a few new things and now have a quick resource for many useful exercises and drills. I'm happy to have this book and expect to pull it out frequently as I progress further into barefoot running.
NOTE: This book is available from Amazon in both paper and Kindle format.
Nice review. :) I have a copy of his book from before it was published, and I agree that there's a ton of info packed in there.
On a related note, I am a member of the Beta-version of the Barefoot Runners Society (another one of Jason's projects), and if you'd like an invite, I'd be happy to send one along.
Thanks for the BRS offer, but I'm already a member. Hope it takes off quickly. It has lots of potential.
Derr, I should have thought to check the Illinois Chapter members-- I see you right there. :)
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