Friday, January 1, 2016

Quick Running Stats for 2015

I've already posted my "Did I meet my goals for 2015" and "Insights from 2015" blog entries. Now it's a more statistical look back at the past year.

I usually track all of my runs with a GPS watch (transitioned from the Garmin 310XT to the 610). Even indoor treadmill runs are done with a foot pod connected to the watch. It's rare that I miss e-logging a run (maybe 2-3 runs all year). Important to remember that almost all of my runs are on trails and GPS is notorious for under-estimating trail miles. With a couple of missed e-log runs, plus the under-reporting of GPS trail miles, my total miles are likely much higher (and average speed is likely faster too). Not getting defensive (not too much anyway), but trying to keep things honest. I report these from my Garmin Connect data as a way to be consistent from year to year. Here are my Garmin statistics for 2015:

Count:236 Activities
Distance:1,453.39 mi
Max Distance:30.10 mi
Avg Distance:6.16 mi
Time:239:10:42 h:m:s
Avg Speed:6.0 mph
Avg HR:135 bpm
Calories:146,521 C
Elevation Gain:63,291 ft

One of my worst years of running. Low overall mileage and fairly short "longest run." No injuries, but a couple of illnesses (pneumonia and nasty cold/flu) that laid me up for 2 weeks each--that's a lot of zeros in the log. Each illness was followed by at least a week of 2-3 mile "get back on my feet" type runs. I think 2016 will be better in every category. More runs (shooting for 275). More miles (maybe 1600). Longer maximum distance (50 miles). Better average length run (7 miles?). More time on feet (~250 hours). Faster average speed (6.5 mph). About same heart rate (mid 130s). More calories burned (150,000). Greater elevation gain (70,000'). That's my plan for 2016...more of everything!

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