Monday, March 24, 2025

Tough Start to the Year

I ended 2024 with plantar fasciitis (PF). It knocked me out for most of November and December. As I was just starting to get back to regular running, I caught COVID in early January! That stopped me for another 2-3 weeks. Then another gradual return to running...until mid-March and I had a nasty cold that led to bronchitis! Out for another 2 weeks. It has been a tough start to the new year! And a poor end to last year. If nothing else, it has taught me to be patient and appreciate my health. Be grateful for your health and ability to run. It's not guaranteed. I am more humble now. Not running, or running with a cough, tends to make you more grounded. Reality sucks, but it's real.

I missed the annual Riddle Run 28-miler in January and a virtual Pi Run in March. Now I have a trail half-marathon in 3 weeks. My longest run this year has been less than 5 miles! Today I barely finished 3 miles with a hacking cough. Can I run 13.1 miles in 3 weeks? Not run, certainly not race, but I might be able to pull off a run/walk strategy and simply finish the event. Participation instead of competition. That would be a change. I'll see how my recovery goes. For now, it's all about regular easy run/walk sessions and keeping my heart rate below 140. Basically Zones 1-2. Slow and steady wins the race...and keeps me healthy. 

I sure hope the first 3 months of this year are not a bellwether for all of 2025. I am confident my running will improve and I'll be racing 5Ks to ultramarathons soon! Maybe not soon, but within a few months. No more colds, no more flu, no more Covid, no more PF. Just health and happiness! My plan is to keep low heart rate training as the primary focus of my training, supplemented with regular cross training and strength work. The gym will be my friend. I need to remember to stay grounded, not get too cocky, and build my fitness one brick at a time. 

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