Monday, September 1, 2008

If It's Not One Thing...

If it's not one thing, it's another! Apparently the running gods are not smiling upon me. Vertigo got me last week (Mon-Wed), then on Thursday my lower back started to hurt. On Friday it was really stiff and hurting. My boss said I looked like I was 80 years old. My brother said "you're finally getting old." After work, I helped out as a volunteer for the University of Illinois cross country "Illini Challenge" home meet (men were first and the women took third place), but it was hard just standing at my spot on the course. I tried to run on Saturday was a very slow jog walk--about 14 minute pace. Managed to eke out 4 miles. Sunday was another day off. I'll try to get back this morning before it heats up (expected to be 90+ degrees today). I was so happy to be rid of the vertigo that I didn't care that my back hurt...for one day. When it was still stiff and hurting after a couple more days, I wasn't so happy. Didn't I just post about appreciating your health? That is the truth! Take it easy out there and appreciate every pain-free run.

On top of my sore lower back, hurricane Gustav is hitting my old home state of Louisiana. My mom evacuated yesterday (only going about an hour north of New Orleans--hopefully that will be enough distance from the storm surge on Lake Pontchartrain and the local rivers). Current strength and path of the storm looks much better than Katrina (my mom evacuated for months on that one!).

Have a great Labor Day. If you're not working, hit the trails! I'm hoping to put in a very slow and easy 5 miles. Then it's back to the heating pad and Advil. Rock Cut Hobo 50K is only 27 days away. Yikes!

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