Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Second Half of the Grand Slam

Don't forget that the Illinois Trail Ultra Grand Slam is only half over! We still have two fall ultras to finish: Rock Cut Hobo 50K and Farmdale 33 miler. I just signed up for the Hobo run and hope to be doing Farmdale too (if I survive Hobo). My back is getting better and I plan on doing short runs everyday until Hobo on September 28. If I feel OK after Hobo, I'll get a couple long runs in before the October 18 Farmdale race.

Sunday, September 28 at 8am
Rock Cut Hobo 50K (25K race is on Saturday)
Rock Cut State Park
Rockford, IL

Saturday, October 18 at 7:30am
Farmdale Trail Run (8 and 33 Miler)
Eureka, IL (close to Peoria)

PS: Hurricane Gustav didn't wreak much havoc on Louisiana and the New Orleans area. My mother came back to her house this morning and all is well. Lots of small debris (branches, leaves, twigs, etc), but no huge trees down in her neighborhood. The electricity was out for over a day and there were a few water and sewage everything seems back to normal.

1 comment:

  1. Sorry to hear about your mom's evacuation - hope her home was not damaged.

    My mom got flooded recently from Ike's fallout...

    Glad you're back on the trails and I hope the vertigo resolves completely.

    Happy trails,

    Connie :)
