Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Pearl Izumi Shoes

The marketing director of Pearl Izumi sent me a certificate for a free pair of shoes after reading my blog post last week about their cool running advertisements (that post is here). Guess it pays to blog! After one year of blogging I've gotten a free t-shirt (American Hiking Society) and free shoes (Pearl Izumi). And a free entry into the Riddle Run 28-Mile Fat Ass. I just ordered a pair of Pearl Izumi Streaks. They are a road racing flat. Once they arrive, I'll take them out on the roads, trails, and treadmill and see how they hold up. I need a good "marathon shoe"--I'm afraid my current Mizuno Revolvers won't keep me going for the full 26.2 miles on roads. I know the Nike Free won't get me there. And all of my other shoes are trail specific. Those darn Pearl Izumi ads have me motivated to "Run Like an Animal" in 2009 and maybe try for a Boston qualifyer.


  1. well, chris after your post here I looked into those shoes and ordered me a pair of syncroseek III pearl izumi shoes. let them know their advertising is working through your blog and keep your free shoes coming to you.

  2. I haven't had a chance to test out the new racing flats yet (been sick from the McNaughton Park 30 mile training run). They feel nice just walking around. I'll post a review of the Streaks once I run in them a few times. Let me know what you think of their trail shoes.
