Saturday, May 29, 2010

Buffalo Trace Stage Race Begins Tomorrow

The third year of the Buffalo Trace 7-Day Stage Race begins tomorrow. This has always been an informal "fun run" type of event. No entry fees, no aid stations, no awards (unless the mood strikes me). This year is slightly different than the first two years--it is the "working man's edition." Instead of the typical "run from 5am to 10pm" limit, this year you also cannot run during regular work hours of 8am-5pm (so the open running periods are 5am-8am, 5pm-10pm). Of course, weekends and holidays are open for the full day. Why the change? Because I didn't want to take a week of vacation time from work. Plus, I wasn't up to running all day, every day anyway.  When you organize your own "event," you get to set the rules.

My goal for this week is simply to get in steady miles each day, partly barefoot, and remain uninjured. I'd like to get between 13-25 miles each day. I'll run early in the morning for a couple of hours, go to work, then run a couple of hours after work. I'd like to use my new Vibram FiveFingers Bikila for at least 5 miles each day. And completely barefoot for 2-3 miles. The remainder can be in regular old shoes. I also want more experience running with a light pack (like I'll do at the Canadian Death Race).  I plan on being my own traveling aid station--water, sports drink, energy bars, candy, etc. Here is a tentative running plan for the 7 days:

Sunday: 25
Monday: 25
Tuesday: 15
Wednesday: 15
Thursday: 15
Friday: 15
Saturday: 25
TOTAL: 135

This has me starting strong with two solid days, then taking it relatively easy for 4 days, then finishing with a good 25 miles.  I would be happy with 15 miles per day for a total of 105 miles for the week.  If nothing else, I hope to get a few miles for my Moon Walk team.  We are in first place with just two weeks to go!  I doubt I'll do the moon walk thing again...and I doubt I'll do this stage race thing again.  Might as well finish both strong.

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