Sunday, May 30, 2010

Day 1: The Pack

I managed to run 25 miles on day one of the Buffalo Trace 7-Day Stage Race.  I ran in the morning and it was already hot, humid, and sunny!  Reminded me of the harder Howl at the Moon years.  I was planning on going back out in the evening to run 2-3 miles barefoot...but it wasn't going to happen when the temperatures where still in the low 90s.  The first day's lesson was all about my Golite Rush backpack.  It's different running with a pack on your back.  Especially when it's filled with 110 oz of fluids, food, and gear.  I'll need the pack for the Canadian Death Race so it's good to get in some practice with it.  The first 5 miles I was continually adjusting the shoulder and waist straps.  Later I struggled with grabbing water bottles or food from the pack.  After 25 miles (and almost 5 hours) I'm getting pretty proficient at using the pack.  It's fairly versatile and should serve me well at the Death Race.  I drank ALL of my fluids (70 oz water, 40 oz gatorade), 2 Succeed S-Caps, 1 Odwalla bar, and 1 Clif Bar. Wished I had the 100 oz bladder rather than my smaller 70 oz one.  The pack can handle either one.  I figure aid stations at CDR will be close enough together (7-12 miles) that I won't be drinking over 110 oz between them.  Anyway, it's good to be self-sufficient.  Looking forward to Day 2 on the trails.  Hope the rain holds off.

Day 1 Miles: 25 (100% of goal)
Week Total: 25 (100% on target)

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