Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Looking Back at Running in 2010

So, how did this past year go?  I've been hesitant to review the last 12 months.  Even though I've already posted my planned races for 2011, I had a nagging suspicion that 2010 really didn't go that well.  I wonder if I actually posted my running goals for 2010 on this blog...say about 12 months ago?  Oh yeah, I did.  Yikes.  Why do people insist on making their goals public?  Doesn't that just lead to disappointment?  I suppose it's a way to increase accountability and thus keep motivation high.  Time to face reality, sort of, and review 2010 with an eye toward 2011 running goals.  This year I had several running goals (based on my post from December 30, 2009):
  • Qualify for Boston Marathon
  • Run a 50K in Vibram FiveFinger shoes
  • Finish the Canadian Death Race
  • Run 50 miles at Howl at the Moon 8-Hour
  • Break 19:00 for a 5K 
I didn't meet any of these goals in 2010.  Sad, eh?  I didn't even run a road marathon or 5K, so those goals were finished before I even tried.  I doubt I would have achieved them, although I think it would have been close.  I had a few other "goals" for 2010 (see December 31, 2009 post).  Basically, I wanted to run, not worry about total miles or times, and remain injury free.  Related, I wanted to keep getting more minimalist in my running.  Did I achieve these more ambiguous goals?  YES!  I didn't track any miles this entire year.  I kept moving toward more minimalist shoes...including quite a bit of completely barefoot running.  And, I didn't have a single running injury all year!  So I didn't meet any of the "performance" related goals, but I did change my philosophy of running and felt good for most of the year.  Let me look at each of these past goals more closely...

Boston Marathon qualification?  I needed a 3:30 certified marathon finish to qualify for Boston.  I didn't even run a road marathon...but I did an early trail marathon in March and finished in 4:07 without pushing hard. I believe I could have finished under 4:00 for that trail marathon.  With a bit more training, I think within 1-2 months, I could have run a fairly flat road marathon in 3:30.  I'll never know, but the hope is still alive.  If this winter goes well, I will repeat that trail marathon in March and then see where to go from there.  Maybe a fast road marathon is in my future for 2011?

Run a 50K in FiveFingers?  Nope, I never did run a 50K in any of my FiveFinger shoes.  I did run 15 miles in training...and I twice ran a 10 mile race loop in them before changing into "regular minimalist" trail racing shoes. After throwing away (or donating) almost all of my "regular" shoes, I only have minimalist shoes in my rotation.  With warmer weather, I'll get out and start barefoot running again.  I'd like to work up to 10 miles barefoot and 20 miles in FiveFingers.  A 50K in my gorilla shoes can't be far off--maybe 2011 will see this goal achieved?

Finished the Canadian Death Race?  Hell no...since they pulled me EARLY from the course without cause!  Would I have finished CDR if they let me continue at that 40 mile mark?  Not sure.  Would have been nice to try.  My ill mother had taken a turn for the worse the day before CDR...maybe I had other things on my mind.  Still, would have been sweet to continue and finish this sucker.  I have no plans on going back so 2011 will not see this goal attained.

Run 50 miles at Howl at the Moon?  Hardly.  It was my worst Howl at the Moon 8-Hour finish (33.9 miles).  I was fresh off my Canadian Death Race DNF, my mother had just passed away, and work was crazy busy.  I wasn't into running.  No motivation, no energy, no fuel in the tank.  I was empty.  I firmly believe that 2011 will be very different--it will be my best Howl ever!

Did I break 19:00 for a 5K?  Nope.  Didn't even run a 5K, or 10K, or half marathon.  Nothing short.  Hard to say what kind of speed I would have had if I attempted a 5K.  I'm confident I would have been well under 20:00 and maybe close to 19:00.  Hmmmm...I think I better do some shorter races in 2011.

My goals for 2011 will be coming soon.  I give myself a B- for 2010...even if I really didn't meet my running goals.  I had good reasons for failing.  (Note the shattered rose colored glasses pictured in this post.)  I'm entering 2011 with a healthy body and mind.  Watch out folks, I feel a good year coming!


  1. If you're interested in a coach to help you get a Boston qualifier or get sub 19:00 for a 5k, let me know. My name is Angelina Ramos, I ran xc and track for Florida State University D1 Varsity NCAA top program for 5 years, and I've coached athletes ranging from male-female, youth, high school, adult masters etc for 10 years now. I currently coach an adult 10k-half marathon training program with Bolder Boulder and high school cross country in Boulder, Colorado. I also speak at running camps all over Colorado and coach at various running camps as well. I have a lot of clients that I coach via online and it's actually a great system if you're self-motivated somewhat or if you don't have the luxury of having a work schedule that lets you train with a group.

    I work for a company called Feel the World Inc. and is our website, and so I'm pro minimalist running in terms of training ideology, so I could work with you on that as well.

    My email is or Let me know if you ever want help reaching those goals beyond what you've already been doing. My prices are flexible based on your needs/goals/commitment duration.

    Also, I wouldn't give yourself a B- on 2010. A lot of times when you have a lot of variables changing in your training all at once, it takes the body some time to adapt. You see that in a lot of first year collegiate runners--it can take many a year, where they go backwards or are at a standstill with their performance based progress...even if their training has catalyzed immensely or their form has improved etc. So don't be so quick to give yourself a B-... not having run a PR isn't necessarily indicative that you didn't improve heaps and bunches over the year.



  2. No coach needed here. I'm too independent and stubborn for a coach to work. I just need the desire and motivation to do what I know needs to be done. I have the knowledge...just don't have the desire to commit at this point.
