Wednesday, August 31, 2011

6am Really Means 5:59:45

Don't us runners have a code of conduct that goes something like this...if we agree to meet for a run at a certain time, we don't head off without our colleague until we've given them a bit of time to be late?  Say 5 minutes?  So if we are scheduled to meet at 6am, then we should hang out until 6:05am before giving up on our comrade! 

Apparently my regular running partner, Jeff, lacks this understanding.  He used to have it a few years ago...maybe he's just getting old, cranky, and impatient.  Tuesday I show up at 6:02am for our regular run and he's already off on the trail.  Fortunately, he's slow and I caught up to him within the first 1/2 mile.  He says, "Yeah, I left at 5:59:45...figured you weren't showing up."  What the hell!  Maybe your watch is fast?  Maybe mine is slow?  Can't we cut each other some slack?  Plus, our little town just installed another traffic light...that could delay me 30-60 seconds. 

I understand that eventually we can't wait any longer and we start running without our planned partner.  But be reasonable...isn't a couple of minutes worth it to run with a fabulous partner?  They'll keep you on pace, protect you from ravenous wild animals, and deliver wonderful conversation...give 'em a break!

For "anyone" I might be running with tomorrow...see you around 6:00:59 on Thursday morning...please wait for me. 


  1. Ahah, In italy 6:00am it means 6:15 at least. I like your comment on.. " deliver a wonderful conversation.." I prefer to run alone.. it's my moment wit myself. :)

  2. Conversations with self are great too. I actually prefer solo runs myself...but do enjoy at least 1-2 runs per week with friends.

  3. 6am sharp on my watch says go, that's this runner crede, 6.0.59s, can't you get out of bed a little earlier!! I gotta get to work...maybe if I was someone named Tom or Tony I might wait cause I'd have all day...

  4. You wouldn't be in a rush to start if you ran faster...then no problem getting to work on time! ;-)
