Monday, August 29, 2011

My Running Library

You enjoy reading books about running?  I do.  Love books anyway, but when it comes to running, I'm a sucker for a new book, used book, old book, whatever.  My running library is now at 134 books. You can see them here:

Let me know if you are intrigued by any of them.  I'll write a review.  If you know of good running-related books that I don't own, let me know!  I'm always on the lookout for an undiscovered classic.

The link to "My Library" is always on the sidebar of this blog.

Yes, I also read magazines about running, but I don't archive them...well, actually I do save my old Marathon & Beyond issues (I have every single one they've published), and I keep my Trail Runner magazines too (have every one of those also--great photos), and I store my UltraRunning magazines (I only have a few years worth of those). I do read Running Times every month, but pass issues on to a friend when I'm done. They are better than Runner's World, but not so good that I want to keep them around. Am I missing a good magazine read?


  1. I love a good book, too! Any suggestions for books on nutrition? I'm really struggling with that.

  2. Jess,

    When I search my online library for "nutrition," I come up with 10 hits. It depends on what you are looking for, but the first overall "sports nutrition" book would probably be Nancy Clark's "Sports Nutrition Guidebook" (now in 4th ed). I really like Phil Maffetone's "Eating for Endurance" book (older and hard to find, but still out there and pretty cheap too). If you are interested in vegetarian or vegan sports nutrition, then Brendan Frazier's book "Thrive: The Vegan Nutrition Guide to Optimal Performance in Sports and Life" is very good.

    Hey, my online library has already been useful! Reminded myself of some good reads...and you might find more interesting books too. Use the "my library" search function.
